Stefan is a filmmaker fascinated in characters and relationships that form within cities, often combining commercial sensibility with social issues. His recent short films, comedy Great Expectations and thriller The Dead Ones are screening at festivals.
Guide Me Home is a portrait of David, a lonely man desperately interested in human interaction who slips through the cracks in life, in one of the busiest cities in the world.
The film deals with the themes of life and death, regret, mortality, loneliness and hope. David comes to London believing the city will give him a ticket to a joyful life comfortable with wealth, friends and family. Loving the lights of the city with a passion for cycling and people watching he feels London is going to deliver his ambitions. Instead, the city consumes him, sending him to a depression of loneliness. His family have drifted away and he has nothing else to hold on to as his life spirals over time.