We need some help from you in 2017!
Times are getting tougher: In 2016 we had no Enfield Council funding and sponsorships are dropping off. The ‘Friends of Talkies’ scheme is a great way to support your local community cinema, making sure we keep bringing great film events to your doorstep.
We hope with your support we can continue to be ambitious. Friends’ investment will again be put towards commissioning and supporting young film makers – we are developing a strong reputation now in this area. And, we will, of course, offer Friends the benefits of advance booking and invitations to a few special events through the year.
Subscriptions will be slightly lower than 2016, because of a cheaper online booking fee.
Single £13.00 (incl £1.00 booking fee)
Double £21.50 (incl £1.50 booking fee)
We hope you will join us!
On behalf of the Talkies Team