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Each year we feature North London talent at our annual HERE FILM FESTIVAL . If you are or know an an actor, filmmaker or other professional involved in film let us know - we are always on the lookout for work and people that we can spotlight in the festival. Just email us on
Each year we feature North London talent at our annual HERE FILM FESTIVAL . If you are or know an an actor, filmmaker or other professional involved in film let us know - we are always on the lookout for work and people that we can spotlight in the festival. Just email us on
TIME TO WAKE UP? Talkies Community Cinema showed its last regular screening in March 2020. We are thinking of having our first screening in late October/early November this year, but first we want to know if you are ready to return.... We would very much value you opinion of whether we should wake up and [...]
You will be aware that we have managed to keep almost all ticket prices to £5 since Talkies began four years ago. However over that time our overheads have increased by more than 40% and we need now to take action to ensure we continue to bring you great events at affordable prices. The new general ticket price from [...]
Our old website was difficult hard to read on phones and tablets. So we have been redesigning it, hopefully making it easier for you. We have focussed the home page on events coming up in the next few weeks and news snippets. a few tabs give you access to other key information and if you wish you [...]